
Wednesday 6 August 2014

Going To The Sky Tower

Waiting on the platform I was shivering so I tucked my jacket in. After we had got the tickets for the train  we calculated the time it would take till it got to the station. Everybody was yawning while we waited for the train to arrive. In the distance we saw the train gradually coming towards us. Suddenly Ben said to me ‘’The train is arriving to pick us up and take us to the Sky Tower.’’ As it came it rumbled into the station. The doors opened with a loud hiss then we hopped in.  

As I got out off the train I couldn't see the Sky Tower. But when we went around the  corner the sky tower was towering over the buildings. When we were half way I saw the beacon on top of the Sky Tower guiding the planes. I saw the bungy jump target for jumping off the tower which is really cool and scary. Looking up I saw little people in orange jumping. As I put my head down I noticed dirty huge concrete pillars around the base of the Sky Tower.

Going up on the elevator I felt butterflies in my tummy. When we were looking at the wall of the elevator there was a see-through glass panel and we saw every thing out side.  My legs were trembling  I looked down then I got a fright because there was another glass panel on the floor that we could see down the elevator as we were going up. When we hopped out I felt that I didn't have any courage to step out because there could be something that was going to break.

On the observation deck I went for a walk around in a circle and my friends followed  me. We found some bean bags and we had a lie down. As I walked on the glass I said to damien ‘’Come look damien ‘’ Then we thought it was going to brake because sometimes it can’t hold our weight but it did.
After that we all had our morning tea  we looked out the window I saw Eden park, Mt Eden and a bridge opening. Suddenly we saw a count down on a monitor and we saw the people bungy jumping and it was cool.

Finally we went back down the elevator and we felt tired. Some of us couldn't breath because we were going down real fast but I didn't it was tickley and cool. Then we said to the lady ‘’ Thank you’’ And we walked to MD’s. As we were walking we saw Rabbitohs vs Storms on the TV but my teacher said, “Keep on walking”  Finally we arrived at MD’s and we all brought us something to eat and it was really nice and we left.

At the end of the exciting morning we were back at the station ready to go back to school.

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