
Friday 7 November 2014

This is my persective drawing anamation.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Article about the volcanic eruption in Hawaii.

In part of the USA, in Hawaii there was a volcano that erupted. It threatened the whole town. The lava destroyed the properties that people owned so people got upset.

The emergency teams Police, Ambulance and the Firefighters went to the scene and checked to see if anyone got hurt or stuck or dead. This would have been sad. The lava was 1,650 degrees F (900 C).

The lava flow advanced about 10 yards an hour towards Pahos village. The volanco's name is  Kilauea. The lava went into Pahos Village. It went into a private property which no one was allowed to go in.

The Trip to the Museum

On Tuesday all of team 5 went to the Auckland Museum. When the second bell rang we all went to the Street to know who our team leader was. Our team leader was Ms Paget then that was finished and we hoped on to the bus.

When we got to the Museum we went to see this lady but I forgot her name. She told us to go up and eat our morning tea. Now we got to something and it was sort of like an mission but we had tom draw Pacafic drawing. We got to play this Connect game and it was really cool.

Our last thing was taking photos of a Tree,Bird and Staches. We were lucky because our teams got to go and see the flour garden. But then the buses arivied and we went back to school.